24 Mart 2013 Pazar

Hawaii Minerals Industry

Hawaii Minerals Industry

Minerals Industry Report for Hawaii

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In 2007, Hawaii’s nonfuel raw mineral production was valued at $150 million, based upon annual U.S. Geological Survey data. This was a $4 million, or 3%, decrease from that of 2006, which followed a $29 million, or about 23%, increase from 2005 to 2006. Mining in Hawaii consisted mostly of the quarrying of stone, used to produce crushed stone, and the extraction of sand and gravel from open pits. Both mineral commodities were produced for use by the construction industry. Gemstones, mostly black coral and precious coral, were also produced in significant quantities.

The State’s overall decline in nonfuel raw mineral production value was led by a $3 million decline in crushed stone value, followed by a 10.7% decrease in construction sand and gravel value, amounting to $1.7 million. Production volume of crushed stone fell by more than 4% with a 2.1% decline in production value, unlike in 2006 when the value of crushed stone rose by $31 million (a 29% increase from 2005 values). Construction sand and gravel production decreased by 4.1%. In 2006, the value of construction sand and gravel experienced a similar decrease from 2005 values, when it again declined by $1.6 million. Although not a significant contributor to Hawaii’s overall change in value, gemstone value rose by $44,000 from $107,000 in 2006, comprising a 41% increase in value. This increase followed a 51% decline in value from 2005 to 2006, when the value of gemstones fell from $217,000 to $107,000 (table 1).

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