31 Mayıs 2013 Cuma

International solidarity with the resistance in Taksim Gezi Park in 29 languages

International solidarity with the resistance in Taksim Gezi Park in 29 languages!

Atención! La democracia turca les necesita!
Tras de una serie de manifestaciones pacíficas para proteger una zona verde recreacional en el centro de la ciudad de Estambul que está prevista para ser demolida para la construcción de un centro comercial, la policía turca atacó a los manifestantes, violentamente con gases lacrimógenos y cañones de agua a presión, apuntándoles directamente a las caras y los cuerpos. Decenas de manifestantes están heridos y el acceso al parque está bloqueado sin ninguna base legal. Los medios de comunicación turcos, controlados directamente por el gobierno o que tienen relaciones comerciales y políticas con el gobierno, evitan hablar de los incidentes. Las agencias de prensa, también, han bloqueado la circulación de información.
Por favor, comparte este mensaje para que el mundo este consciente del estado policial creado por AKP del Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, que a menudo está considerado como un modelo para los otros países de Oriente Medio. La democracia turca espera tu apoyo. Muchas gracias!
Atenció! La democràcia turca us necessita!
Després d’una sèrie de manifestacions pacífiques per a protegir una àrea d’esbarjo al centre d’Istambul que està prevista per a ser demolida per a la construcció d’un centre comercial, la policia turca ha atacat als manifestants, violentament amb gasos lacrimògens i canons d’aigua a pressió, apuntant-los directament a les cares i als cossos. Desenes de manifestants estan ferits i l’accés al parc està bloquejat sense cap base legal. Els mitjans de comunicació turcs, controlats directament pel govern o que tenen relacions comercials i polítiques amb el govern, refusen parlar dels incidents. Les agències de premsa, també, han bloquejat la circulació d’informació.
Si us plau, compartiu aquest missatge per a que el món sigui conscient de l’estat policíac creat pel AKP del Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, que sovint està considerat com a un model per als altres països de l’Orient Mitjà. La democràcia turca espera el teu suport. Moltes gràcies!
En suite d’une manifestation pour la conservation d’un parc au sein du quartier central d’Istanbul qui est envisagé d’être démoli pour la construction d’un centre commercial, la police turque a lancée une attaque violente contre les manifestants paisibles avec du gaz lacrymogène visé directement sur les corps des gens et de l’eau à haute pression. Dizaines des protestants sont hospitalisés et l’accès au parc est bloqué sans base légale. Les médias turcs, qui sont directement contrôlé ou ont des liaisons politiques et économiques avec le gouvernement, refusent de traiter les incidents. Les agences de presse turques également bloque la diffusion de l’information sur les évènements.
SVP, diffusez ce message pour que le monde prenne conscience de l’état policier turc crée par l’AKP de Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, qui est souvent considéré comme un modèle exemplaire pour des pays du Moyen-Orient. La démocratie turque s’attend à votre soutien. Merci!
Attention! Turkish democracy needs you!

After a series of peaceful demonstrations for preserving a recreational area in Istanbul city centre, which is planned to be demolished for the construction of a shopping mall, Turkish police attacked the protesters violently with tear gas and water cannon, directly targeting their faces and bodies. Dozens of protesters are hospitalized and access to the park is blocked without any legal basis. Turkish media, directly controlled by the government or have business and political ties with it, refuse to cover the incidents. Press agencies also blocked the information flow.
Please share this message for the world to become aware of the police state created by AKP of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which is often considered to be a model for other Middle Eastern countries. Turkish democracy expects your help. Thank you!
Attenzione! La democrazia turca ha bisogno di te!
Dopo una serie di manifestazioni pacifiche per preservare una zona ricreativa a Istanbul centro della città che si prevede di demolire per la costruzione di un centro commerciale, la polizia turca ha attaccato violentemente i manifestanti con gas lacrimogeni e cannoni ad acqua, mirando direttamente ai loro volti e corpi. Decine di manifestanti sono ricoverati in ospedale e l’accesso al parco è bloccato senza alcuna base giuridica. I media turchi, direttamente controllati dal governo o che hanno legami commerciali e politici con esso, si rifiutano di coprire gli incidenti. Anche le agenzie di stampa hanno bloccato il flusso di informazioni.
Condividete questo messaggio per aiutare il mondo a prendere coscienza dello stato di polizia creato da AKP di Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, che spesso è considerato un modello per altri paesi del Medio Oriente per favore. Democrazia turca si aspetta il tuo aiuto. Grazie!
اهتمام! الديمقراطية التركية يحتاجك!
بعد عدة مظاهرات سلمية، إلى حفاظ على منطقة ترفيهية في مركز مدينة إسطنبول التي من المقرر أن يتم هدم, لصالح بناء مركز تجاري, هجمت بعنف الشرطة التركية المتظاهرين, مع غاز مسيل للدموع ومدفع مائي مباشرة إلى أجسادهم ووجوههم. عشرات من المتظاهرين في المستشفيات, وممنوع المدخل إلى الحديقة, من دون سبب. وسائل الإعلام التركية، التي يتحكم فيها بصورة مباشرة من قبل الحكومة أو لديك الأعمال التجارية والعلاقات السياسية معها، يرفض أن يقدم تقريرا عن الأحداث. ومنع وكالات الانباء من نشر المعلومات.
من فضلك، تبادل هذه الرسالة للعالم أن تصبح على بينة من الدولة البوليسية التي أنشأتها حزب العدالة والتنمية برئاسة رجب طيب أردوغان، والتي تعتبر في كثير من الأحيان إلى أن تكون نموذجا لدول الشرق الأوسط الأخرى. الديمقراطية التركية تتوقع مساعدتكم. شكرا.
Προσοχή! H Τουρκική δημοκρατία σας χρειάζεται!
Μετά από μια σειρά ειρηνικών διαδηλώσεων για την υπεράσπιση ενός δημόσιου χώρου αναψυχής στο κέντρο της Κωνσταντινούπολης που έχει αποφασιστεί να κατεδαφιστεί με σκοπό  την κατασκευή ενός εμπορικού κέντρου, η Τουρκική αστυνομία επιτέθηκε βίαια τους διαδηλωτές με δακρυγόνα και αντλίες νερού σημαδεύοντας απευθείας στα πρόσωπα και τα σώματα των διαδηλωτών. Δεκάδες διαδηλωτές διακομίστηκαν στο νοσοκομείο και η πρόσβαση στο πάρκο αποκλείστηκε χωρίς καμία νομική βάση. Τα τουρκικά μέσα ενημέρωσης, που ελέγχονται άμεσα από την κυβέρνηση ή έχουν επιχειρηματικούς και πολιτικούς δεσμούς με αυτή, να αρνούνται να καλύψουν τα περιστατικά αυτά. Πρακτορεία τύπου μπλοκάρουν τη ροή πληροφοριών.
Παρακαλώ μοιραστείτε αυτό το μήνυμα ώστε ο κόσμος να μάθει για το αστυνομικό κράτος καταστολής που δημιουργήθηκε από το AKP του Ταγίπ Ερντογάν, το οποίο συχνά θεωρείται ως πρότυπο για άλλες χώρες της Μέσης Ανατολής. Τουρκική δημοκρατία και ο λαός της αναμένει τη βοήθειά σας. Σας ευχαριστούμε!
Efter en serie fredliga demonstrationer mot ett byggnadsprojekt där ett köpcenter ska byggas i en park i centrala Istanbul i Turkiet, tog polisen till tårgas och vattenkanoner, och siktade människor direkt i ansiktet och på kroppen. Tiotals demonstranter är skadade och skickade till sjukhus och ingången till parken är blockerad utan rättslig grund. De turkiska medierna vägrar att bevaka händelsen. Hjälp oss att sprida meddelandet så att hela världen kan se vad som händer i Turkiet och hur en polisstat är skapad av AKP, som betraktas som ett föredöme för andra länder i Mellanöstern. Den turkiska demokratin behöver din hjälp. Tack!
Achtung! Türkische Demokratie braucht dich!
Nach einer Reihe von friedlichen Demonstrationen gegen die Abholzung hunderter Bäume für den Bau eines neuen Einkaufzentrums in einem zentralen Park in Istanbul, hat die Türkische Polizei den Protestern heftig attackiert, und direkt auf ihre Gesichter und Körper Tränengas und Wasserwerfer eingesetzt. Dutzenden von Protestern waren ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert und der Zugang für Park wurde ohne gesetzliche Grundlage blockiert. Türkische Medien, die direkt von der Regierung kontrolliert werden oder mit der Regierung wirtschaftliche und politische Beziehungen haben, lehnen ab, Nachrichten über die Vorfälle zu geben. Die Nachrichtenagenturen blockieren ebenfalls Nachrichtenfluss.
Bitte teilen Sie diese Nachricht, damit die Welt sich dem Polizestatt, der von Recep Tayyip Erdoğans AKP erschafft und oft als Vorbild für andere nahöstliche Länder angesehen wurde, bewusst wird. Türkische Demokratie erwartet Ihre Hilfe. Danke!
Uwaga! Turecka demokracja Cię potrzebuje!
Po serii pokojowych demonstracji na rzecz utrzymania terenów rekreacyjnych w centrum Istanbułu, które zaplanowano zburzyć, aby zbudować centrum handlowe, turecka policja zaatakowała protestujących używając gazu łzawiącego i armatki wodnej, bezpośrednio celując w ich twarze i ciała. Dziesiątki protestujących trafiło do szpitala, a wstęp do parku został zakazany bez żadnej podstawy prawnej. Tureckie media, bezpośrednio kontrolowane przez rząd albo mające powiązania biznesowe lub polityczne, odmawiają podania do publicznej wiadomości informacji nt. tego zdarzenia. Agencje prasowe także zablokowały przepływ informacji.
Proszę rozgłoś tę informację, żeby świat się dowiedział o państwie policyjnym utworzonym przez AKP z Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, która jest często przytaczana jako przykład dla innych bliskowschodnich krajów. Turecka demokracja oczekuje Twojej pomocy. Dziękujemy!
Na 3 dagen vredevolle demonstraties om het recreatiepark in het hart van Istanbul te behouden, besloot de Turkse politie de demonstranten op een gewelddadige manier aan te vallen met traangas en waterkanonnen. Er wordt gedemonstreerd om de plannen van de regering tegen te houden, die op de plaats van het park binnenkort de bouw wil starten voor nóg een winkelcentrum.
Tientallen, jong en oud, zijn inmiddels met ernstige verwondingen in het ziekenhuis opgenomen en de toegang tot het park is zonder enkele wettelijke grondslag gestremd. Turkse media, welke direct onder controle staan van de staat of directe banden hebben met partijen met grootse belangen in dit project, weigeren verslag te doen over deze beestachtige incidenten. Verschillende persbureaus hebben tevens de informatiestroom geblokkeerd.
De Turkse democratie vraagt jullie om hulp. Aan jullie dus het verzoek om dit bericht te verspreiden. Het doel is een wereldwijd besef voor de politiestaat die door AKP, welke onder leiding staat van Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is gecreëerd. Deze Turkse premier wordt in de media gezien als een rolmodel voor landen in het Midden-Oosten.
“Atenție! Turcia are nevoie de voi!
În urma unor serii de manifestații pașnice de protest la adresa administrației locale din Istanbul care a decis a desființa întregul parc central –singurul din zonă—pentru a construi un Mall, poliția Turcă a intervenit în forță atacând violent protestatarii cu gaze lacrimogene, bastoane și tunuri de apă. Zeci de protestatari au fost grav răniți, fiind transportați de urgență la spital. Accesul în parcul Gezi este practic blocat. Mass-media turce, direct aservite politic sau cenzurate în mai mică sau mare măsură refuză a reporta incidentele. Agențiile de presă sunt de asemenea reduse la tăcere.
Vă rugăm transmiteți acest mesaj mai departe ca lumea să cunoască statul polițienesc instituit de partidul AKP (”Justiție și Dezvoltare”) și condus de actualul Prim-Ministru – Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, de altfel considerat un politician model pentru alte state din Orientul Mijlociu.
Turcia are azi nevoie de voi! Distribuiți acest mesaj mai departe! Vă mulțumim!”
Huomio! Turkin demokratia tarvitsee sinua!
Turkin poliisi hyökkää väkivaltaisesti mielenosoittajien kimppuun kyynelkaasulla ja vesitykeillä, kohdistaen ne suoraan kasvoihin ja vartaloihin. Tämä tapahtui rauhallisten mielenilmaisujen jälkeen, joiden tavoitteena oli viheralueen, jonka tilalle on suunniteltu kauppakeskuksen rakentamista, säilyttäminen Istanbulin keskustassa. Tusinoittain mielenosoittajia ovat sairaalahoidossa ja käynti puistoon on laittomasti estetty. Turkkilainen media, joka on joko suoraan hallituksen kontrolloima tai jolla on kauppa- tai poliittisiä siteitä hallitukseen, ei suostu raportoimaan tapahtumista. Myös uutistoimistot ovat estäneet tiedonvirran.
Levitä tätä viestiä maailmalle jotta kaikki saavat tietää siitä poliisivaltiosta joka Turkista on tullut Recep Tayyip Erdoganin AKP:n takia, joka usein mainitaan roolimallina muille Lähi-idän maille. Turkin demokratia tarvitsee apuasi! Kiitos!
Pozor! Turecká demokracie tě potřebuje!
Po řadě pokojných demonstrací za zachování rekreačního areálu v centru města Istanbul, které má být zdemolováno kvůli výstavbě nákupního centra, turecká policie násilně zaútočila na protestující slzným plynem a vodním dělem, zaměřila se přímo na jejich tváře a těla. Desítky demonstrantů jsou hospitalizováni a přístup do parku je protiprávně blokován. Turecká média jsou přímo ovládané vládou, mají spolu přímé obchodní a politické vazby, a odmítají přiznat vinu vlády za tyto incidenty.
Prosím, podělte se tuto zprávu ve světě, aby všichni věděli o policejním státu vytvořeným  AKP Recep Tayyip Erdogan, který je často považován za model pro ostatní země Středního východu. Turecká demokracie očekává vaši pomoc. Děkuji vám!
Pozor! Turška demokracija vas potrebuje!
Po nizu mirnih demonstracij za ohranjanje rekreacijskega območja v centru Istanbula, ki se bo predvidoma porušil za gradnjo nakupovalnega središča, turška policija je nasilno napadla protestnike s solzilcem in vodnimi topovi, usmerjene direktno v njihovih obrazih in telesih. Veliko število protestnikov so hospitalizirani in dostop do parka je blokiran brez pravne podlage. Turški mediji, povezani z vlado oz. političnimi strankami, zavrnejo kritje incidentov. Tisk je tudi blokiral pretok informacij.
Prosimo, posredujte to sporočilo da bi se svet zavedal policijskega stanja povzročenega s strani AKP Recepa Tayyip Erdogan, ki pogosto velja za zgled drugih držav Bližnjega vzhoda. Turška demokracija pričakuje vašo pomoč.
Внимание! На турската демократија и сте потребни!
По серијата на мирни демонстрации за зачувување на рекреативната зона во центарот на Истанбул, каде се планира изградба на трговски центар, турската полиција насилно ги нападна демонстрантите со солзавец и водени топови, директно таргетирани кон нивните лица и тела. Десетици демонстранти се хоспитализирани и пристапот до паркот е блокиран без било каква правна основа. Турските медиуми, директно поврзани со владата или политичките партии, одбиваат да ги покријат инцидентите. Прес агенциите, исто така го блокираа протокот на информации.
Ве молиме споделете ја оваа порака за светот да стане свесен за полициската состојба создадена од страната на „AKP„ на Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, за кој често се смета како репер за другите земји од Блискиот Исток. Турската демократија ја очекува вашата помош.
Atenção! A democracia turca precisa de você!
Depois de uma série de manifestações pacíficas para preservar um parque no centro de Istambul, que está prevista a demolição para a construção de um shopping, a polícia turca atacou violentamente os manifestantes com bombas de gás lacrimogêneo e canhões de água, visando diretamente os seus rostos e corpos. Dezenas de manifestantes foram hospitalizados e o acesso ao parque está bloqueado, sem qualquer base legal. A imprensa turca, controlada diretamente pelo governo tendo negócios e laços políticos conjuntos, se recusa a cobrir os incidentes. Agências de notícias também impedem a circulação das informações.
Por favor, compartilhe essa mensagem para o mundo tornar-se consciente da repressão feita pelo AKP(Partido da Justiça e Desenvolvimento) de Recep Tayyip Erdoğan(primeiro-ministro turco), que muitas vezes é considerado um modelo para outros países do Oriente Médio. Democracia turca espera a sua ajuda. Obrigado!
هشدار!دموکراسی ترکیه به تو نیاز دارد!
پس از یک سری از تظاهرات مسالمت آمیز علیه نابودی صدها درخت برای ساخت و ساز یک مرکز خرید جدید در پارکی مرکزی در استانبول، پلیس ترکیه به حمله خشونت باری علیه تظاهرات کنندگان با گاز اشک آور و ماشین آب پاش اقدام کرد، با هدفگیری مستقیم صورت و بدن های تظاهرات کنندگان. ده ها تن از تظاهرات کنندگان در بیمارستان بستری شدند و ورودی پارک بدون مبنای قانونی مسدود شده است. رسانه های ترکیه که به طور مستقیم از سوی دولت کنترل می شوند و یا با دولت روابط اقتصادی و سیاسی دارند ، حاضر به انتشار اخبار در مورد حوادث نشدند. آژانس های خبری نیز به مسدود کردن خبر اقدام کرده اند.
لطفا ابن خبر را به اشتراک بگذارید تا جهان از پلیسی که توسط حزب عدالت و توسعه رجب طیب اردوغان ایجاد شده و اغلب به عنوان یک نمونه ممتاز برای سایر کشورهای خاورمیانه در نظر گرفته شده است، آگاه شود. دموکراسی ترکیه در انتظار کمک شماست. با تشکر از شما!
Dikkat! Türkiye demokrasisinin sana ihtiyacı var!
İstanbul’un göbeğindeki Taksim Gezi Parkı’nın yok edilip yerine alışveriş merkezi inşa edilmesini planına karşı yapılan bir dizi barışçıl eylemden sonra, polis biber gazı ve tazyikli su ile eylemcilerin yüzlerini ve vücutlarını hedef alarak eylemcilere zalimce saldırdı. Onlarca eylemci hastanelik oldu ve parka ulaşım herhangi bir yasal nedene dayanmaksızın engellendi. Doğrudan hükümet tarafından kontrol edilen veya hükümetle mali veya siyasi bağları olan Türkiye basını ise olayları duyurmayı reddediyor. Aynı şekilde haber ajansları da haber akışını engelledi.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan AKP’si tarafından yaratılan ve sıkça diğer orta doğu ülkelerine de model olarak addedilen bu polis devletinden tüm dünyanın haberdar olabilmesi için lütfen bu mesajı paylaşınız. Türkiye demokrasisi yardımını bekliyor. Teşekkürler!
Figyelem! A török demokráciának szüksége van rád!
Sorozatos békés tüntetések folytak Isztambul belvárosában egy rekreációs terület megőrzése érdekében, amelyet le akarnak rombolni egy bevásárlóközpont építése miatt. Ezután a török rendőrség erőszakosan rátámadt a békés tüntetőkre könnygázzal és vízágyúkkal, direkt arcra és testre célozva. Több tucat tüntető kórházba került, a park jogellenesen le van zárva. A török média, közvetlenül a kormány által irányítva, illetve politika kapcsolatokkal rendelkezve, megtagadja az esemény tudósítását. A sajtó ügynökségek is blokkolják az információ áradatát.
Kérlek, oszd meg te is ezt az üzenetet, hogy a világ megismerje a rendőrállamot amit Recep Tayyip Erdoğan AKP-ja teremtett, ami gyakran példaként szolgál a több közel-keleti ország számára. A Török demokráciának szüksége van rád.
Внимание! Турецкая демократия нуждается в тебе!!!
После ряда мирных демонстраций, которые проводились за сохранение «зеленой зоны» в центре Стумбула, которую правительство планирует  снести для постройки очередного торгового центра,  турецкая полиция жестоко атаковала протестующих , применяя слезоточивый газ и водометы, специально целясь в лица и тела людей. Большое колличество людей госпитолизировано! А доступ в парк закрыт без каких либо законных причин
Турецкие СМИ, которые находятся под контролем государства или имеют экономические или политические связи  с ним, отказываются освещать события. Пресс-агентства также заблокировали информационный поток.
Пожалуйста,  распростаните  данную информацию ,   чтобы  мир  узнал о  полицейском государстве, созданным партей «АКП» во главе с Реджепом  Таййип Эрдоган,  которое часто рассматривается как модель для других стран на Ближнем Востоке.
Турецкая демократия расситывает  на вашу помощь! Спасибо!!!
Vëmendje! Demokracia Turke ka nevojë edhe për ty!
Pas një sërë demostratash paqësore të mbajtura në favor të ruajtjes së një zone rekreative në qendër të qytetit të Stambollit, e cila do të shkatërrohet për të ndërtuar mbi të një qendër tregtare, policia turke ka sulmuar në mënyrë të dhunshme demostruesit me gaz lotsjellës dhe me pompa uji, duke i drejtuar këto të fundit drejt fytyrave dhe trupave të personave. Dhjetra demostrues janë të shtruar në spital, ndërsa hyrja në park është bllokuar pa asnjë bazë juridike. Mediat turke, të kontrolluara direkte nga qeveria ose që kanë lidhje tregtare ose politike me këtë të fundit, refuzojnë pasqyrimin e ngjarjeve. Agjensitë e lajmeve gjithashtu kanë bllokuar rrjedhjen e informacioneve.
Ju lutem shpërndajeni këtë mesazh për të ndihmuar botën të njohë shtetin policor të krijuar nga AKP e Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, i cili shpesh konsiderohet si një model për vende të tjera të Lindjes së Mesme. Demokracia Turke pret ndihmën tënde. Faleminderit!
请分享这个消息,让世界知道这就是那些通常被其他中东国家看作楷模的 AKP of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 的警察,土耳其的民主进程需要你的帮助。谢谢!
Ձեր ուշադրությունն ենք հայցում։ Թուրքական ժողովրդավարությունը ձեր օգնության կարիքն ունի։
Ի պատասխան ցույցի՝ կազմակերպված ի պաշտպանություն Ստամբուլի կենտրոնական թաղամասի ներսում զետեղված զբոսայգու, որը նախատեսված էր քանդել առևտրական կենտրոն կառուցելու նպատակով, թուրքական ոստիկանությունը բիրտ գրոհ է ձեռնարկել խաղաղ ցուցարարների դեմ արցուքաբեր գազերով՝ և բարձր ճնշման ջրաշիթերով համազարկերն ուղղելով ուղղակիորեն մարդկանց վրա ։
Տասնյակ ըմբոստացողներ հոսպիտալացվել են, իսկ զբոսայգու մուտքը փակվել է անպօրինի ։
Թուրքական ԶԼՄ-ները, որոնք ուղղակիորեն վերահսկվում են, կամ կառավարության հետ ունեն քաղաքական ու տնտեսական կապեր, մերժում են լուսաբանել միջադեպերը։ Թուրքական մամուլի գործակալությունները ևս շրջափակում են իրադարձությունների շուրջ տեղակատվության տարածումը։ Շտապ, տարածեք այս ուղերձը, որ աշխարհը կարողանա գիտակցել, թե ինչպիսին է Էրդողանի Արդարություն եւ զարգացում կուսակցության ստեղծած թուրքական ոստիկանական պետությունը, որը հաճախ դիտարկվում է իբրև օրինակելի նմուշ Մերձավոր Արևելքի երկրների համար։ Թուրքական ժողովրդավարությունը սպասում է ձեր օգնությունը։
Dėmesio! Turkijos demokratijai reikia Tavo pagalbos!
Po taikių demonstracijų, kuriomis buvo siekiama išreikšti nepasitenkinimą Turkijos vyriausybės ketinimu iškirsti Stambulo centre esantį parką ir jo vietoje statyti prekybos centrą, Turkijos policija žiauriai susidorojo su demonstracijos dalyviais ašarinėmis dujomis ir vandens srovėmis jas taikydami tiesiai į žmonių veidus ir kūnus. Dešimtys protestuotojų yra sužeisti, o įėjimas į parką – užblokuotas be jokio legalaus pagrindo. Turkijos žiniasklaida, tiesiogiai kontroliuojama vyriausybės ar su ja turinti politinius ir verslo ryšius, apie įvykius Stambulo centre visuomenės neinformuoja. Spaudos agentūros nustojo teikti informaciją.
Prašome skleisti šią žinią, kad pasaulis išgirstų apie AKP partijos, valdomos Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, brutalius veiksmus prieš savo šalies žmones. Šios partijos vykdoma politika dažnai imama kaip pavyzdys Viduriniųjų Rytų šalyse. Turkijos demokratija tikisi pagalbos iš jūsų. Ačiū!
<긴급호소> 터키의 민주주의를 위해 당신의 도움이 필요합니다.
터키 이스탄불에서 도심공원을 쇼핑몰로 개발하려는 정책에 반대하는 일련의 집회가 개최되었습니다. 그런데 터키 경찰은
평화시위대에게 최루탄과 물대포를 직격으로 발포하고 곤봉등으로 폭력적인 진압을 하여, 많은 부상자가 발생하였습니다. 또한 법적
근거 없이 공원이 폐쇄되는 등, 터키의민주주의가 엄중한 사태에 직면하였습니다.
정부의 통제를 받거나 유착관계에 있는는 터키 언론들은 이 사태를 제대로 다루지 않고 있습니다. 중동 여타 국가들의 모범이라
여겨지던 터키의 민주주의를 후퇴시키는 집권여당인 정의개발당(AKP)의 레제프 타이이프 에르도안(Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan) 총리는 터키를 경찰국가로 만들고 있습니다.
이 메세지를 널리 알려 터키의 민주주의를 도와주십시오. 감사합니다.
Pažnja! Turska demokratija vas treba!
Nakon niza mirnih prosvjeda za očuvanje rekreativnog prostora u centru grada Istanbula, koja se planira rušiti za izgradnju trgovačkog centra, turska policija napala prosvjednike suzavcem nasilno i vodenim topom, čime su pogođeni u lica i tijela. Desetine protestanata su hospitalizirani, a pristup parku je blokiran, bez ikakve pravne osnove. Turski mediji, direktno kontrolirani od strane vlade ili imaju poslovne i političke veze s njom, odbijaju medijski pokriti incidente. Press agencije također blokiraju protok informacija.
Molimo Vas da podijelite ovu poruku svijetu da postanu svjesni policijske države stvorio AKP Recep Tayyip Erdogan, koji se često smatra da modelom za druge bliskoistočne zemlje. Turska demokratija očekuje vašu pomoć. Hvala vam!
OBS: Tyrkisk demokrati har brug for dig!
Efter en række fredelige demonstrationer for at bevare et rekreativt område i centrum af Istanbul, som er planlagt til at blive revet ned til fordel for opførelsen af et indkøbscenter, angreb tyrkisk politi demonstranterne voldsomt med tåregas og vandkanoner, direkte rettet mod ansigter og kroppe. Mange demonstranter er indlagt og adgang til parken er blokeret uden retsgrundlag. Tyrkiske medier, der kontrolleres direkte af staten eller har erhvervsmæssige og politiske bånd, nægter at dække hændelserne. Pressebureauer har også blokeret informationsstrømmen.
Del venligst dette budskab for at gøre verden opmærksom på den politistat AKP har skabt, men som ofte anses for at være en model for andre mellemøstlige lande. Tyrkisk demokrati har brug for din hjælp. Tak!
* text in french and english: Daghan Irak, translate in spanish and catalan: Pelin Dogan, edit: Can Seven.  arabic: Dan Sela, italian: Aydın Ferhan Atabas, german: Hüseyin Ali Sözen,  Rumanian: Eunice Cociorvan, Czech: Milan Čáp, Macedonian & Sovenian: Toni Popovski, Portuguese: Francisco de Borja, Persian: Hatef Soltani, Hungarian: Dániel Párkányi, Armenian (East): Nazareth Karoyan, Lithuanian: Milda Račiūtė, South Koreano KyungHo CHOE, Serbian/Croatin/Bosnian: Alex

21 Mayıs 2013 Salı

Maine State Foods

Maine State Foods


State Food
Blueberries, members of the Vaccinium family, are small, smooth-skinned, juicy, and sweet. They are among world’s few naturally blue foods. When cooked, they take on a deep purple color. This fruit is native to the United States. Different varieties grow in different regions, though all grow well in wooded areas with damp, acidic soil. Blueberry bushes can be up to 13 feet (4 m) tall. Blueberries are sold fresh, frozen, canned, and dried. Though fresh berries are popular in season—eaten plain, in fruit salad, or with ice cream or whipped cream—they are much more often cooked in pancakes or muffins, pies, jams, jellies, and sauces.
Maine's wild blueberries grow naturally in fields and uncultivated land from the state’s eastern corner to its southwest. The area's Native Americans used these berries for food as well as medicine. Commercial harvesting of Maine's blueberries started in the 1840s and now the state has nearly 60,000 acres of blueberries. Growers use the blueberries native to Maine, so these are a low-maintenance crop that's naturally resistant to most local pests. The berry is harvested in August, when dozens of blueberry festivals take place around the state.


State Food
A potato is a Solanum tuberosum tuber, which grows underground. Most potatoes are bumpy rounds or ovals with a thin, brown skin and white flesh, but red-skinned varieties are also common. Yellow-fleshed varieties that have a more buttery taste are also cultivated, as are a few with a deep purple-blue throughout. Different varieties vary in size considerably, from less than 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter to up to 6 inches (15 cm) long.
Some potatoes have waxy flesh and are best boiled, while others cook to a soft texture and are better baked or mashed. Generally, potatoes are bland and starchy, usually served as a side dish with meat. Boiling, baking, and frying are all common cooking techniques. Potatoes are usually dressed or combined with butter, cream, milk, cheese, or oil.
Potatoes are Maine's most important agricultural crop, and the state ranks eighth in the country in potato production. Maine currently has over 600 potato farms. Potato growing has been a cornerstone of the state's economy for two centuries. Aroostook County is the heart of Maine's potato country and host of the Maine Potato Blossom Festival, an annual event for more than 50 years.

-World Trade Press

Maine State Dish (Recipe)

Maine State Dish (Recipe)

Lobster Roll (Unofficial Main Dish/Snack)

Lobster Roll
Lobster Roll
Maine lobster roll is typical of Maine food in that it uses only a few ingredients and allows the flavor of the lobster to take pride of place. Most people don't add any seasonings except mayonnaise and a little salt and pepper, though cucumber, celery, or tarragon may be used. This sandwich is a lunchtime favorite and is often served with potato chips.
Recipe Serves 4
  • 4 lobsters, about 1 lb each
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Butter to taste
  • 4 hot dog buns
  1. Boil water in a very large pot.
  2. Prepare a large bowl of ice water.
  3. When the water comes to a full boil, kill each lobster by firmly stabbing behind the head where the shell makes a "T." Place each lobster in the pot immediately.
  4. Boil until the lobsters are very red, usually about 17 minutes.
  5. Using tongs, remove the lobsters from the pot and immerse in ice water. Leave for about 3 minutes.
  6. Crack the lobsters, remove the meat, and chop into even pieces.
  7. Mix the lobster with the mayonnaise. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Cover and refrigerate for an hour.
  9. When lobster salad has cooled, heat a griddle.
  10. Butter the rolls. Toast them on the griddle on both sides until warm and golden.
  11. Fill the warm rolls with cold lobster salad and serve immediately with pickles and potato chips on the side.
  • A peeled and chopped cucumber can be added to the lobster and mayonnaise before chilling.
  • One stalk celery, minced, can be added to the lobster with the mayonnaise.
  • Up to 3 scallions and/or 2 tsp minced, fresh tarragon may be added to the lobster before chilling.

-World Trade Press

Maine Cuisine

Maine Cuisine

Maine's colonial heritage and important coastline define its local food. Most dishes in Maine are simply prepared, and there is a strong preference for local ingredients. That means seafood is extremely popular, both as an appetizer and main course. Old-fashioned seafood Newburg—shrimp, lobster, and fish in a sherry-cream sauce—is one of the fancier dishes. Steaming or boiling is usually preferred, and this technique is used on mussels, crabs, clams, and lobster. Lobster is one of Maine's most important products, and is a local favorite as well as an important export. Boiled lobster usually comes to the table whole for diners to crack and dip in melted butter. The lobster roll, the state dish, is not much more complex. Most people in Maine dress chilled lobster meat in a little mayonnaise and serve it on a buttered hot dog roll, preferring to let the flavor of fresh lobster dominate the sandwich.
Clams are another favorite. The clambake, which involves digging a pit on the beach and roasting the clams in the open air, is a favorite warm-weather outing. When time and weather don't allow for a real clambake, people steam clams on the stovetop with corn on the cob and potatoes for a one-pot meal. Clam chowder, a standard along the north Atlantic coast, is also a strong favorite in Maine, where potatoes, onion, celery, and bacon are simmered in cream with fresh clams to make the soup. Mussels are locally available, and are often served steamed with a bit of onion and celery as an appetizer or main course. Crab is also popular, simply steamed or in crab cakes seasoned with mustard and Worcestershire sauce, and bound with egg, mayonnaise, and very few bread crumbs.
Although meat and chicken aren't really local products, they're certainly part of the local diet. Brunswick stew is an old Maine favorite. In the past it was normally made with rabbit meat, but today it's more commonly a thick chicken stew with carrots, potatoes, onions, and celery. A little ham is sometimes added for flavoring. Maine has its share of hunters, and most prefer deer. Venison stew is a particular cold-weather favorite. The meat is usually cooked slowly with onion and a few root vegetables such as carrot and potato.
Vegetables include yellow eye beans, Maine relatives of the kidney bean, which are typically baked with onion, salt pork, maple syrup or molasses, mustard, and a bit of brown sugar. This dish dates from colonial times. Potatoes are an important local crop, so fish or meat are likely to come with a side of boiled or baked potatoes. Greens like spinach, beet greens, or Swiss chard are often steamed or boiled and served with a little vinegar as a side dish.
Yeasted bread flavored with molasses is another standard accompaniment to lunch or dinner. Maine is in maple country, so pancakes often come with real maple syrup, and maple syrup or sugar is often used in place of molasses or sugar when a touch of sweetness in needed. Most home cooks turn to fruit-based concoctions for desserts. Maine summers are short, but strawberries are a local crop often served for dessert with whipped cream or ice cream. Strawberry-rhubarb pie is a longtime summer favorite. Maine blueberries turn up in muffins, pies, and coffee cakes. Apple pies and crisps are common everyday sweets. Cranberries have grown in Maine for many years, and are still used in sauces and chutneys. Nowadays it's more common to add them to sweet bread or blend a few into apple pie filling. In autumn, cider is a popular drink served cold or, as the weather cools, warmed up with a little cinnamon.

-World Trade Press
State Cuisine
Steamed Clams
State Cuisine
State Cuisine
Swiss Chard
State Cuisine
State Cuisine
Maple Syrup Pie

Maine State Flag: History, Design, Trivia

Maine State Flag: History, Design, Trivia


  Maine State Flag
February 24, 1909
Dark blue with the state coat of arms at the center.
Symbols: The coat of arms of the state of Maine. In the center is a shield with an elaborate gold frame showing a pine tree, green grass, a moose (the state's official animal), water, and sky. The tree, grass, and moose represent Maine's wildlife. The pine tree also represents the state's important timber industry. To the left of the shield is a farmer leaning on a scythe, symbolizing agriculture, and to the right, a sailor leaning on an anchor represents sailing and commerce. Above the shield are the North Star and the state motto, "Dirigo," meaning, "I lead." The star and motto are partly a reference to the state's historically important ports and shipping industry, because the North Star was a guide to sailors, and partly a promise that the state will do well in guiding its citizens. Below the shield and the men is a ribbon with the state name in white.  
Colors: Dark blue; other colors that may vary but typically include greens, lighter blues, brown, red, yellow, white, and flesh tones. The blue background is the same color as the national flag's blue canton, linking the state to the nation. Blue also represents the sky, the sea, and tranquility. The coat of arms should be realistic colors, but the state makes no specifications.
Proportions: 26:33
Variations: There are no specific colors for the coat of arms on the state flag, so there are substantial variations in the colors different manufacturers use.
Maine's first official state flag came into use on March 21, 1901, when the state's legislature adopted a yellow-beige flag, specified as buff-colored. It had a pine tree in the center and a dark blue star in the canton. Little else is known about how this flag looked or how much it flew.
Not quite eight years later, Maine adopted a completely different state flag. The new version was deep blue, the same blue as on the canton of the U.S. flag, and had the state coat of arms in the center. The flag law also specified that the flag should be silk with an embroidered design and that it should have a silk fringe and tassel. Many Maine flags do not include all these details, but the blue flag with the coat of arms has flown in Maine ever since, with only slight adjustments to the coat of arms. The state's adjutant general keeps the official copy of the flag for anyone who needs to study or reproduce it.
Generally, state flags are accorded the same respect as the U.S. flag, though the national flag takes precedence. The state flag should not be allowed to touch the ground during hoisting and lowering, and it should hang clear of the floor or ground and anything else that may be under the flag. The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously. The flag should fly only during daylight hours unless it is properly lit after dark. It should never be deliberately torn, marked or damaged. Flags that become too dirty or tattered through normal wear and tear should be replaced and disposed of privately.
Makers of Maine flags generally use realistic colors, with a notable exception. The flag shows one pine tree in the foreground and a grove of trees in the background. When all are green, they appear to run together and make the picture indistinct, especially when seen from a distance as flags so often are. Because of this, the trees in the background are often shaded with odd colors such as purple or pink just to provide contrast and allow the pine tree in the front to stand out.
Given the importance of the state's shipping industry and ports, Maine also has a Merchant and Marine flag. It is white with a green stylized pine tree in the center. Behind the pine tree is a tilted blue anchor. "Dirigo" is written in slightly curved blue capitals above, and "Maine" below.

-World Trade Press

Maine State Governors

Maine State Governors


William King

Governor #: 1
Term Start: March 15, 1820
Term End: May 28, 1821
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic-Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: February 9, 1768
Birth (place): Scarborough, Massachusetts.
Died: June 17, 1852
Died (place): Bath, Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


William Durkee Williamson

Governor #: 2
Term Start: May 28, 1821
Term End: December 5, 1821
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic-Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: July 31, 1779
Birth (place): Canterbury, Connecticut
Died: May 27, 1846
Died (place): Bangor
Spouse(s): Jemima Montague Rice, Susan Esther, Clarissa Emerson
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Benjamin Ames

Governor #: 3
Term Start: December 5, 1821
Term End: January 2, 1822
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic-Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: October 30, 1778
Birth (place): Andover, Massachusetts
Died: September 28, 1835
Died (place): Houlton, Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Daniel Rose

Governor #: 4
Term Start: January 2, 1822
Term End: January 5, 1822
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic-Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: July 31, 1772
Birth (place): ***
Died: October 25, 1833
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Albion Keith Parris

Governor #: 5
Term Start: January 5, 1822
Term End: January 3, 1827
Number of Terms: 1 1/2
Party: Democratic-Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 19, 1788
Birth (place): Hebron, Maine
Died: February 11, 1857
Died (place): Portland, Maine
Spouse(s): Sarah Whitman
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Enoch Lincoln

Governor #: 6
Term Start: January 3, 1827
Term End: October 8, 1829
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic-Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: December 28, 1788
Birth (place): Worcester, Massachusetts
Died: October 8, 1829
Died (place): Augusta, Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Nathan Cutler

Governor #: 7
Term Start: October 8, 1829
Term End: January 6, 1830
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: May 29, 1775
Birth (place): Lexington, Massachusetts
Died: June 8, 1861
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Hannah Moore
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Joshua Hall

Governor #: 8
Term Start: January 6, 1830
Term End: February 9, 1830
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: October 22, 1768,
Birth (place): Lewes, Delaware
Died: December 25, 1862
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Methodist


Jonathan Glidden Hunton

Governor #: 9
Term Start: February 9, 1830
Term End: January 5, 1831
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: National Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 14, 1781
Birth (place): Unity, New Hampshire
Died: October 12, 1851
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Betsy Craig, Mrs. Mary Glidden
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Samuel Emerson Smith

Governor #: 10
Term Start: January 5, 1831
Term End: January 1, 1834
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 12, 1788
Birth (place): Hollis, New Hampshire
Died: March 3, 1860
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Louisa Sophia Fuller
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Robert Pinckney Dunlap

Governor #: 11
Term Start: January 1, 1834
Term End: January 3, 1838
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: August 17, 1794
Birth (place): Brunswick, Maine
Died: October 20, 1859
Died (place): Brunswick, Maine
Spouse(s): Lydia Chapman
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Edward Kent

Governor #: 12
Term Start: January 3, 1838
Term End: January 2, 1839
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Whig
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 8, 1802
Birth (place): Concord, New Hampshire
Died: May 19, 1877
Died (place): Bangor, Maine
Spouse(s): Sarah Johnson, Abby A. Rockwood
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


John Fairfield

Governor #: 13
Term Start: January 2, 1839
Term End: January 12, 1841
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 30, 1797
Birth (place): Saco, Maine
Died: December 24, 1847
Died (place): Washington, D.C.
Spouse(s): Anna Paine Thornton
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Richard H. Vose

Governor #: 14
Term Start: January 12, 1841
Term End: January 13, 1841
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Whig
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: November 8, 1803
Birth (place): Augusta, Maine
Died: January 19, 1864
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Harriet Chandler
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Edward Kent

Governor #: 15
Term Start: January 13, 1841
Term End: January 5, 1842
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Whig
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 8, 1802
Birth (place): Concord, New Hampshire
Died: May 19, 1877
Died (place): Bangor, Maine
Spouse(s): Sarah Johnson, Abby A. Rockwood
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


John Fairfield

Governor #: 16
Term Start: January 5, 1842
Term End: March 7, 1843
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 30, 1797
Birth (place): Saco, Maine
Died: December 24, 1847
Died (place): Washington, D.C.
Spouse(s): Anna Paine Thornton
Profession: Law, Trade
Religion: Congregationalist


Edward Kavanagh

Governor #: 17
Term Start: March 7, 1843
Term End: January 1, 1844
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: April 27, 1795
Birth (place): Newcastle, Maine
Died: January 22, 1844
Died (place): Newcastle, Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Roman Catholic


David Dunn

Governor #: 18
Term Start: January 1, 1844
Term End: January 3, 1844
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 17, 1811
Birth (place): Cornish, Maine
Died: February 17, 1894
Died (place): Mechanic Falls, Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Roman Catholic


John W. Dana

Governor #: 19
Term Start: January 3, 1844
Term End: January 3, 1844
Number of Terms: 1/8
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 21, 1808
Birth (place): Fryeburg, Maine
Died: December 22, 1867
Died (place): Rosario, Argentina
Spouse(s): Eliza Ann Osgood
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Hugh Johnston Anderson

Governor #: 20
Term Start: January 3, 1844
Term End: May 12, 1847
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: May 10, 1801
Birth (place): Wiscasset
Died: May 31, 1881
Died (place): Portland, Oregon
Spouse(s): Martha J. Dummir
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


John W. Dana

Governor #: 21
Term Start: May 12, 1847
Term End: May 8, 1850
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 21, 1808
Birth (place): Fryeburg, Maine
Died: December 22, 1867
Died (place): Rosario, Argentina
Spouse(s): Eliza Ann Osgood
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


John Hubbard

Governor #: 22
Term Start: May 8, 1850
Term End: January 5, 1853
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 22, 1794
Birth (place): Readfield, Maine
Died: February 6, 1869
Died (place): Hallowell
Spouse(s): Sarah H. Barrett
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


William George Crosby

Governor #: 23
Term Start: January 5, 1853
Term End: January 3, 1855
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Whig
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: September 10, 1805
Birth (place): Belfast, Maine
Died: March 21, 1881
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Unitarian


Anson Peaslee Morrill

Governor #: 24
Term Start: January 3, 1855
Term End: January 2, 1856
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 10, 1803
Birth (place): Belgrade, Maine
Died: July 4, 1887
Died (place): Augusta, Maine
Spouse(s): Rowena M. Richardson
Profession: ***
Religion: Universalist


Samuel Wells

Governor #: 25
Term Start: January 2, 1856
Term End: January 8, 1857
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: August 15, 1801
Birth (place): Durham, New Hampshire
Died: July 15, 1868
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Hannibal Hamlin

Governor #: 26
Term Start: January 8, 1857
Term End: February 25, 1857
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: August 27, 1809
Birth (place): Paris, Maine
Died: July 4, 1891
Died (place): Bangor, Maine
Spouse(s): Ellen Vesta Emery Hamlin
Profession: ***
Religion: Unitarian


Joseph Hartwell Williams

Governor #: 27
Term Start: February 25, 1857
Term End: January 6, 1858
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 2, 1814
Birth (place): Augusta, Maine
Died: July 19, 1896
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Apphia Putnam
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Lot Myrick Morrill

Governor #: 28
Term Start: January 6, 1858
Term End: January 2, 1861
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: May 13, 1813
Birth (place): Belgrade, Maine
Died: January 10, 1883
Died (place): Augusta, Maine
Spouse(s): Charlotte Holland Vance
Profession: ***
Religion: Universalist


Israel Washburn, Jr.

Governor #: 29
Term Start: January 2, 1861
Term End: January 7, 1863
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 16, 1813
Birth (place): Livermore, Maine
Died: May 12, 1883
Died (place): Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Spouse(s): Mary Maud Webster, Rebina N. Brown
Profession: Law
Religion: Protestant


Abner Coburn

Governor #: 30
Term Start: January 7, 1863
Term End: January 6, 1864
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 22, 1803
Birth (place): Maine
Died: January 4, 1885
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: An Unofficial Baptist


Samuel Cony

Governor #: 31
Term Start: January 6, 1864
Term End: January 2, 1867
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: February 27, 1811
Birth (place): Augusta, Maine
Died: October 5, 1870
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Mercy H. Sewall, Lucy W. Brooks
Profession: Attorney
Religion: Congregationalist


Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

Governor #: 32
Term Start: January 2, 1867
Term End: January 4, 1871
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: September 8, 1828
Birth (place): Brewer, Maine
Died: February 24, 1914
Died (place): Portland, Maine
Spouse(s): Fanny Chamberlain
Profession: Teaching, Military
Religion: Congregationalist


Sidney Perham

Governor #: 33
Term Start: January 4, 1871
Term End: January 7, 1874
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 27, 1819
Birth (place): Woodstock, Maine
Died: April 10, 1907
Died (place): Washington, D.C.
Spouse(s): Almena J. Hathaway
Profession: ***
Religion: Universalist


Nelson Dingley Jr.

Governor #: 34
Term Start: January 7, 1874
Term End: January 5, 1876
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: February 15, 1832
Birth (place): Durham, Maine
Died: January 13, 1899
Died (place): Washington, D.C.
Spouse(s): Salome McKenney
Profession: ***
Religion: Baptist


Selden Connor

Governor #: 35
Term Start: January 5, 1876
Term End: January 8, 1879
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 25, 1839
Birth (place): Fairfield, Maine
Died: July 9, 1917
Died (place): Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: Politician, Banker
Religion: 0


Dr. Alonzo Garcelon

Governor #: 36
Term Start: January 8, 1879
Term End: January 17, 1880
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: May 6, 1813
Birth (place): Lewiston, Maine
Died: December 8, 1906
Died (place): Medford, Massachusetts
Spouse(s): Ann Augusta Waldron, Olivia Spear
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Daniel Franklin Davis

Governor #: 37
Term Start: January 17, 1880
Term End: January 13, 1881
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: September 12, 1843
Birth (place): Freedom, Maine
Died: January 9, 1897
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Laura Godwin
Profession: ***
Religion: Methodist


Harris Merrill Plaisted

Governor #: 38
Term Start: January 13, 1881
Term End: January 3, 1883
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: November 2, 1828
Birth (place): Jefferson, New Hampshire
Died: January 31, 1898
Died (place): Bangor, Maine
Spouse(s): Sarah J. Mason, Mabel True Hill
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Frederick Robie

Governor #: 39
Term Start: January 3, 1883
Term End: January 5, 1887
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: August 12, 1822
Birth (place): Gorham, Maine
Died: February 3, 1912
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Olivia M. Priest
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Joseph Robinson Bodwell

Governor #: 40
Term Start: January 5, 1887
Term End: December 15, 1887
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 18, 1818
Birth (place): Methuen, Massachusetts
Died: December 15, 1887
Died (place): Hallowell, Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: Businessman
Religion: Congregationalist


Sebastian Streeter Marble

Governor #: 41
Term Start: December 15, 1887
Term End: January 2, 1889
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 1, 1817
Birth (place): Dixfield, Maine
Died: May 10, 1902
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Mary E. Ellis
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Edwin Chick Burleigh

Governor #: 42
Term Start: January 2, 1889
Term End: January 4, 1893
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: November 27, 1843
Birth (place): Linneus, Maine
Died: June 16, 1916
Died (place): Augusta, Maine
Spouse(s): Mary Jane Bither
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Henry Bradstreet Cleaves

Governor #: 43
Term Start: January 4, 1893
Term End: January 2, 1897
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: February 6, 1840
Birth (place): Bridgton, Maine
Died: June 22, 1912
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Llewellyn Powers

Governor #: 44
Term Start: January 2, 1897
Term End: January 2, 1901
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: October 14, 1836
Birth (place): Pittsfield, Maine
Died: July 28, 1908
Died (place): Houlton, Maine
Spouse(s): Jennie Hewes
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


John Fremont Hill

Governor #: 45
Term Start: January 2, 1901
Term End: January 4, 1905
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: October 29, 1855
Birth (place): Augusta, Maine
Died: March 16, 1912
Died (place): Lizzie Vickery, Laura Colman Ligget
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


William T. Cobb

Governor #: 46
Term Start: January 4, 1905
Term End: January 6, 1909
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: July 23, 1857
Birth (place): Rockland, Maine
Died: July 24, 1937
Died (place): Rockland, Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Bert Manfred Fernald

Governor #: 47
Term Start: January 6, 1909
Term End: January 4, 1911
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: April 3, 1858
Birth (place): Poland, Maine
Died: August 23, 1926
Died (place): Poland, Maine
Spouse(s): Anne Adeline Keene
Profession: ***
Religion: Universalist


Frederick William Plaisted

Governor #: 48
Term Start: January 4, 1911
Term End: January 1, 1913
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: July 26, 1865
Birth (place): Bangor, Maine
Died: March 4, 1943
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Frances Gullifer
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


William T. Haines

Governor #: 49
Term Start: January 1, 1913
Term End: January 6, 1915
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: August 7, 1854
Birth (place): Levant, Maine
Died: June 4, 1919
Died (place): Augusta, Maine
Spouse(s): Edith S. Hemmenway
Profession: ***
Religion: Unitarian


Oakley C. Curtis

Governor #: 50
Term Start: January 6, 1915
Term End: January 3, 1917
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 29, 1865
Birth (place): Portland, Maine
Died: February 22, 1924
Died (place): Falmouth, Maine
Spouse(s): Edith L. Hamilton
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Carl Elias Milliken

Governor #: 51
Term Start: January 3, 1917
Term End: January 5, 1921
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: July 13, 1877
Birth (place): Pittsfield, Maine
Died: May 1, 1961
Died (place): Massachusetts
Spouse(s): Emma Chase, Caroline Chase
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Frederic Hale Parkhurst

Governor #: 52
Term Start: January 5, 1921
Term End: January 31, 1921
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: November 5, 1864
Birth (place): Bangor, Maine
Died: January 31, 1921
Died (place): Augusta, Maine
Spouse(s): Marie Jennings, Dorothy Woodman
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Percival Proctor Baxter

Governor #: 53
Term Start: January 31, 1921
Term End: January 7, 1925
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: November 22, 1876
Birth (place): Portland, Maine
Died: June 12, 1969
Died (place): Portland
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Ralph Owen Brewster

Governor #: 54
Term Start: January 7, 1925
Term End: January 2, 1929
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: February 22, 1888
Birth (place): Dexter, Maine
Died: December 25, 1961
Died (place): Brookline, Massachusetts
Spouse(s): Dorothy Foss
Profession: ***
Religion: Christian Scientist


William Tudor Gardiner

Governor #: 55
Term Start: January 2, 1929
Term End: January 4, 1933
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 12, 1892
Birth (place): Newton, Massachusetts
Died: August 3, 1953
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Margaret Thomas
Profession: ***
Religion: Episcopalian


Louis J. Brann

Governor #: 56
Term Start: January 4, 1933
Term End: January 6, 1937
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: July 6, 1876
Birth (place): Madison, Maine
Died: February 3, 1948
Died (place): Maine
Spouse(s): Martha J. Cobb
Profession: ***
Religion: Christian Scientist


Lewis O. Barrows

Governor #: 57
Term Start: January 6, 1937
Term End: January 1, 1941
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 7, 1893
Birth (place): Newport, Maine
Died: January 30, 1967
Died (place): Pittsfield, Maine
Spouse(s): Pauline Henderson
Profession: ***
Religion: Baptist


Sumner Sewall

Governor #: 58
Term Start: January 1, 1941
Term End: January 3, 1945
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: June 17, 1897
Birth (place): Bath, Maine
Died: January 25, 1965
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Helen Ellena Evans
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Horace Augustus Hildreth

Governor #: 59
Term Start: January 3, 1945
Term End: January 5, 1949
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: December 2, 1902
Birth (place): Gardiner, Maine
Died: June 2, 1988
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Katherine Wing
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Frederick George Payne

Governor #: 60
Term Start: January 5, 1949
Term End: December 24, 1952
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: July 24, 1904
Birth (place): Lewiston, Maine
Died: June 15, 1978
Died (place): Waldoboro, Maine
Spouse(s): Ella Hodgdon
Profession: ***
Religion: Baptist


Burton Melvin Cross

Governor #: 61
Term Start: December 24, 1952
Term End: January 6, 1953
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: November 15, 1902
Birth (place): Gardiner, Maine
Died: October 22, 1998
Died (place): Augusta, Maine
Spouse(s): Olena R. Moulton
Profession: ***
Religion: Episcopalian


Nathaniel Mervin Haskell

Governor #: 62
Term Start: January 6, 1953
Term End: January 7, 1953
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: September 27, 1912
Birth (place): Pittsfield, Maine
Died: February 7, 1983
Died (place): Portland, Maine
Spouse(s): Lucy Pomeroy, Lillian Elizabeth Gallup
Profession: ***
Religion: Methodist


Burton Melvin Cross

Governor #: 63
Term Start: January 7, 1953
Term End: January 5, 1955
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: November 15, 1902
Birth (place): Gardiner, Maine
Died: October 22, 1998
Died (place): Augusta, Maine
Spouse(s): Olena R. Moulton
Profession: ***
Religion: Episcopalian


Edmund Sixtus "Ed" Muskie

Governor #: 64
Term Start: January 5, 1955
Term End: January 2, 1959
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 28, 1914
Birth (place): Rumford, Maine
Died: March 26, 1996
Died (place): Washington, D.C.
Spouse(s): Jane Muskie
Profession: Lawyer
Religion: Roman Catholic


Robert N. Haskell

Governor #: 65
Term Start: January 2, 1959
Term End: January 7, 1959
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: August 24, 1903
Birth (place): Bangor, Maine
Died: December 3, 1987
Died (place): Bangor, Maine
Spouse(s): ***
Profession: ***
Religion: Protestant


Clinton Amos Clauson

Governor #: 66
Term Start: January 7, 1959
Term End: December 30, 1959
Number of Terms: 1/2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 25, 1895
Birth (place): Mitchell, Iowa
Died: December 30, 1959
Died (place): Maine
Spouse(s): Ellen Kelleher
Profession: ***
Religion: Lutheran


John Hathaway Reed

Governor #: 67
Term Start: December 30, 1959
Term End: January 5, 1967
Number of Terms: 2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 5, 1921
Birth (place): Fort Fairfield, Maine
Died: Alive
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Cora Mitchell Davison
Profession: ***
Religion: Congregationalist


Kenneth Merwin Curtis

Governor #: 68
Term Start: January 5, 1967
Term End: January 2, 1975
Number of Terms: 2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: February 8, 1931
Birth (place): Leeds, Maine
Died: ***
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Polly Curtis
Profession: ***
Religion: Protestant


James Bernard Longley, Sr.

Governor #: 69
Term Start: January 2, 1975
Term End: January 3, 1979
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Independent
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: April 22, 1924
Birth (place): ***
Died: August 16, 1980
Died (place): ***
Spouse(s): Helen Angela Walsh
Profession: ***
Religion: ***


Joseph Edward Brennan

Governor #: 70
Term Start: January 3, 1979
Term End: January 7, 1987
Number of Terms: 2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: November 2, 1934
Birth (place): Portland, Maine
Died: Alive
Died (place): Alive
Spouse(s): Constance Brennan
Profession: ***
Religion: Roman Catholic


John Rettie "Jock" McKernan, Jr.

Governor #: 71
Term Start: January 7, 1987
Term End: January 5, 1995
Number of Terms: 2
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: May 20, 1948
Birth (place): Bangor, Maine
Died: Alive
Died (place): Alive
Spouse(s): Senator Olympia Snowe
Profession: Entrepreneur
Religion: Protestant


Angus King

Governor #: 72
Term Start: January 5, 1995
Term End: January 8, 2003
Number of Terms: 2
Party: Independent
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: March 31, 1944
Birth (place): Alexandria, Virginia
Died: Alive
Died (place): Alive
Spouse(s): Mary Herman
Profession: Businessman
Religion: Episcopalian


John Elias Baldacci

Governor #: 73
Term Start: January 8, 2003
Term End: January 5, 2011
Number of Terms: 2
Party: Democratic
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: January 30, 1955
Birth (place): Bangor, Maine
Died: Alive
Died (place): Alive
Spouse(s): Karen Baldacci
Profession: Politician, Business owner
Religion: Roman Catholic


Paul R. LePage

Governor #: 74
Term Start: January 5, 2011
Term End: Incumbent
Number of Terms: 1
Party: Republican
Lt. Governor(s): None
Born: October 9, 1948
Birth (place): Lewiston, Maine
Died: Alive
Died (place): Alive
Spouse(s): Ann LePage
Profession: General manager
Religion: Roman Catholic