14 Mayıs 2013 Salı

West Virginia State Song

West Virginia State Song

"West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home" and Two Others

Official State Song #1
"West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home"
Lyrics: Col. Julian G. Hearne, Jr.
Music: Col. Julian G. Hearne, Jr.
Adoption: 1947 & 1963

Official State Song #2
"The West Virginia Hills"
Lyrics: David King
Music: Henry Everett Engle
Adoption: 1961 & 1963

Official State Song #3
"This Is My West Virginia"
Lyrics: Iris Bell
Music: Iris Bell
Adoption: 1962 & 1963

West Virginia has adopted three state songs reflecting three different eras of the state’s history. Col. Julian Hearne, a military officer who distinguished himself in World War II, composed "West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home." The song "The West Virginia Hills" was written by Reverend David King as a poem for his wife, Ellen, in 1879. In 1885, Henry Everett Engle added a chorus and composed music to accompany the poem. An edited version of the song was made official in 1961. "This Is My West Virginia," composed by Charleston jazz musician Iris Bell, was designated the "official centennial song" in 1962. On February 28, 1963, the state legislature passed a resolution declaring all three songs official and equal. Of all the songs, however, "The West Virginia Hills" is the most popular, partly for its "call and response" structure that sounds like echoing across the hills. -World Trade Press
"West Virginia Hills"
Oh, the West Virginia hills! How majestic and how grand,
With their summits bathed in glory, Like our Prince Immanuel's Land!
Is it any wonder then, That my heart with rapture thrills,
As I stand once more with loved ones On those West Virginia hills?
Chorus:Oh, the hills, beautiful hills, How I love those West Virginia hills!
If o'er sea o'er land I roam, Still I'll think of happy home,
And my friends among the West Virginia hills.
Oh, the West Virginia hills! Where my childhood hours were passed,
Where I often wandered lonely, And the future tried to cast;
Many are our visions bright, Which the future ne'er fulfills;
But how sunny were my daydreams On those West Virginia hills
Oh, the West Virginia hills! How unchang'd they seem to stand,
With their summits pointed skyward To the Great Almighty's Land!
Many changes I can see, Which my heart with sadness fills;
But no changes can be noticed In those West Virginia hills.
Oh, the West Virginia hills! I must bid you now adieu.
In my home beyond the mountains I shall ever dream of you;
In the evening time of life, If my Father only wills,
I shall still behold the vision Of those West Virginia hills.

"This is My West Virginia"
This is my West Virginia, the home of all my family,
And the faces of her people ever glow with loyalty;
The honest sweat born of honest toil is the only way they know
Here in my West Virginia, the home that I love so.

This is my West Virginia, her beauty makes my spirit whole,
In the times of dread and anguish it calms my fevered soul;
I lift mine eyes unto these hills and they give me power to go on
Here in my West Virginia, where I was born.

This is my West Virginia, and free her sons will always be
We will stand behind our principles as in 1863
Her pride will live and her strength will grow
'Til her mountains turn to dust;
This is my West Virginia, the land I trust.

This is my West Virginia, these hills that guard my liberty
And her flag proclaims the legend "Mountaineers are always free."
Where-e're I go she will call to me through the world in which I roam
This is my West Virginia, my land, my home.
"West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home"

West Virginia my home, sweet home.

My heart beats with lasting love for you,
Where my roots are so deep, Where my fore-father's sleep,
Where kin-folks and friends are staunch and true;
Where the Blue of the North
And the Grey of the South
Long have blended in perfect harmony,
Where the East meets the West,
And derives from each the best,
That's West Virginia home sweet home for me.

Where mountains and hills and valleys too
And the orchards, the farms,
Timberlands, all have charms
And fact'ries and mines are on view;
There I work, and I play,
And I worship Sunday,

In that land where the mountaineers are free,
Other States are OK,
It's a grand old USA,
But West Virginia's...


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