22 Mart 2013 Cuma

Oklahoma State Flower

Oklahoma State Flower

Mistletoe (common name)
Phoradendron serotinum 
(scientific name)


Mistletoe is the Oklahoma floral emblem, first adopted in 1893 when the state was still a territory. Though mistletoe is a parasite, its white berries and green leaves were a welcome sight for early settlers in a bleak landscape, and it was a common floral decoration in early pioneer days. It was reaffirmed as a state emblem in 1910, three years after the territory became a state.
The plant grows in trees, forming bright mid-green globes of foliage in the tree’s branches, and drawing water and some nutrients from the tree. Stems are usually quite straight, smooth, and branching, and the same color as the leaves. Some mistletoe plants also perform photosynthesis to meet part of their needs. 
Flowers are not usually noticeable from a distance, but the clusters of white berries (which grow in groups of about 10) are more visible, particularly as they usually appear after the tree has dropped its leaves. The berry’s juice is sticky, so when birds eat the berries, the mistletoe seeds stick to the branches and later germinate, allowing the plant to spread.


Duration: Annual
Plant: Parasitic shrub
Mature Height: 3.9–31 in (10-80 cm) wide
Flowering: March through August
Flowers: 0.039–0.12 in (.1–.3 cm) wide
Flower Color: Yellow-green
Leaves: 0.79–2.0 in (2–5 cm) long, mid-green, smooth, teardrop-shaped
Fruit/Seed Color: White berries
Location: Treetops
Range: Across the U.S. form New York south and west to California and Oregon
  • In addition to the state floral emblem, mistletoe, Oklahoma also has a state wildflower, Indian blanket, a native orange and red daisy-like flower adopted in 1986, and a state flower, adopted in 2004 at the behest of state gardening clubs. The new state flower is a deep red hybrid rose named after the state. Mistletoe, however, remains the state floral emblem.
  • Mistletoe is often described as a pest that kills trees, which is certainly true when it’s allowed to grow over time. However, it also provides food and shelter for many small birds and animals, making it an important part of the ecological community.

Click to enlarge an image
State Flower
State Flower
Mistletoe Plant Growing on a Fruit Tree
State Flower
Mistletoe Showing Leaves
State Flower
Close-up of Mistletoe

Species:P. serotinum
Author: World Trade Press

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